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Enjoy New York’s Winter Carnival

Enjoy New York’s Winter Carnival

Jan 22, 2018 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you want to have some good, old-fashioned winter fun, New York’s Bryant Park is holding its annual Winter Carnival. With plenty of fun festivities to partake in, there will be fun for the entire family. So, come enjoy some winter-themed activities that both you and the kids can enjoy, and take some time getting out of the house this winter.

Winter-Themed Fun

At the Winter Carnival, you’ll get to enjoy several family-friendly events, including SkateFest, broomball, puppet shows, and much more. The skating rink will offer plenty of fun activities for you to enjoy, including playing broomball, Ice Ball, and taking free skating lessons. You can also have the opportunity to see the Skating Showcase featuring host Johnny Weir on opening night. Off the ice, you can watch some fun puppet shows, take classes like yoga to get in shape, play cornhole, take selfies at the Everblock Ice Castle, and take a break at the Bank of American Lodge.

In addition to all of this, the northwest corner of the skate deck area will offer plenty of food and beverages for you to enjoy at the Brewhouse. You’ll also get to witness live entertainment at the Brewhouse, play board games, and enjoy plenty of great food and drinks.

Schedule And Fees

You won’t need to bring too much money along with you to attend this event, which is a nice bonus. The activities at the Winter Carnival are all free, admission to the skating rink is free, skate rentals cost $20 or your can bring your own, and you can purchase food and beverages for a small feel. The dates and times of the Winter Carnival are as follows:

  • Friday, January 26th through Sunday, February 4th
  • Monday-Friday: 5 PM- 10 PM
  • Saturday and Sunday: Noon-10 PM

For more information on the Winter Carnival, please visit their website here.

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